She also fought political movements to make English the only language that could be used in governmental laws and information.
Fifteen states in addition to Arizona have legal provisions making English the official language.
It is our aim to make English a rewarding and enjoyable experience throughout the School but particularly so in the earlier stages.
He said domestic issues like education, employment, political appointments and the movement to make English the nation's official language might provide a common ground.
This jumble of liturgies makes modern English, despite its stripped-down workings, hard to learn well.
The best way, he argues, is to make English the only language of instruction, especially for younger children.
B1 Making English the official language is the aim of a proposal in Suffolk County.
Was he just fascinated by her beauty and her accent, which made English so musical - and sensual, too, for that matter?
As European banks and corporations burst national boundaries and go global, many are making English the official corporate language.
Twenty-two states have made English their official language, most since the English-only movement gained force in the mid-1980's.