The World Bank made further aid conditional on a state's willingness to reform its power system.
This requires a strong political will, however, the results could potentially make aid far more effective and efficient.
In 1928 the government set up the Public Solicitor's Office to make legal aid more easily available.
This increase is practically all accounted for through the provision of public funds, making legal aid the fastest growing social service in Britain.
A sharp drop in the coffee harvest, the country's principal export, is likely to make American aid even more important in the coming year.
Many roads and bridges were destroyed, making communications, aid and transport very difficult.
Development assistance is increasingly being provided through strategic-level interventions, aimed to make aid more effective.
Besides, the cost of therapy often makes professional aid unattainable by those who need it most.
We know not where the line lies that makes meaningful aid too late.
The Commission makes a distinction between prices and other subsidies on the one hand, and direct aid.