Wally has made a limited edition of only 500 pairs of its elite skis for the 2001-2 season.
Want to make a commercial edition of this book?
In the case of the Stanford, company officials say three to five years are needed to make a new edition.
Mr. Packard said his purpose was to make a critical edition of all the music.
Looptworks's designs will change frequently, as sources of supply vary, making each design effectively a "limited edition".
Making an edition of all of the paintings had long been an aim of Brasher's.
He made an abridged edition of Handel's Messiah for the festival.
They made a special edition called Human.
Mr. Koons made an edition of three complete trains, plus an artist's proof.
He discovered the theatre score in the Academy's own library, just in time to stop the presses and make a new edition based on it.