That education is still helping him make a living as a full-time musician.
In 1972, he made his way to Nashville, giving himself five years to "make it" as a musician.
He had to set about making a living as a free-lance musician.
A keen guitarist from a young age, he spent most of that decade trying to make a living as a musician.
After graduating, he eventually decided to try making a living as a musician.
"But it's a hard way to make a living as a full-time musician," he said.
Argenta returned to Madrid to try to make a living as a musician.
Bring back the old days when to make money as a musician you played shows and small time gigs.
During his college years he made extra money as a musician; singing and playing acoustic guitar.
Bay knew that to make it as a professional musician he'd have to be in a large city.