Both are sculptors who make assemblages out of found materials.
In 1959, he began to make assemblages and mixed media collages that included found objects from the streets, especially crushed cans.
Also in 1964, Conner decided he would no longer make assemblages, even though it was precisely such work that had brought him the most attention.
He makes expansive, aggressively physical collages and assemblages that suggest nostalgia for a mythic ancestral home.
Soon after his death, she began to make her first collages and assemblages, with materials picked up from the streets or shoplifted.
Magee, the one who appears in public and speaks for both, makes assemblages of industrial materials that take the form of relief paintings.
Christophe had extended his expression into other media, always working intuitively, making assemblages and short films.
Kim also paints landscapes and makes photographic assemblages.
Back in Chicago again, he worked as a carpenter, making paintings and Surrealist-style assemblages on weekends.
He makes assemblages combining materials like plaster, wood and steel that are not normally brought together.