Fourteen foundation inductees were made in 1985 and since then several new inductees are made each year at a dinner hosted by WAIS.
Naira proudly ladled up servings of pasta made from her own recipe at a recent dinner for the homeless at a nearby church.
On January 14, 2006, Coretta made her last public appearance in Atlanta at a dinner honoring her husband's memory.
It was the Boorstins who made that conversation possible, at a dinner in their Cleveland Park house on May 5.
They made a relatively unusual joint appearance last night at a dinner for investors.
However, he was forced to step down after he was charged with making sexist and racist jokes at a dinner in 1992.
As part of the MCC's celebrations, Allen made one of the speeches at a commemorative dinner.
In making his endorsement at a dinner for Republican House and Senate candidates, Mr. Reagan guaranteed himself an enthusiastic audience.
In November 1950 the first long service awards were made at a dinner to found the Quarter Century club.
The announcement was made at a dinner in Manhattan to welcome the Yankees back to New York.