In high school, he dealt with humiliation from his friends and classmates but has made friends at college.
I'm just a dumb comic-book reader who made a straight C-minus at college.
Seven years after he made his first duct-tape wallet at college in Idaho...
He was drinking, using drugs and making stabs at college.
Then his eyes lighted on Robbie's picture, an enlargement of a snapshot he had made at college last winter.
You need to organize your life if you are to make the most of your limited time at college.
I don't make any decisions as chancellor about who is going to be permitted to make student loans at each university or college.
He began making photographs at college, where he studied art history, Spanish and English literature.
The names of the people in the title of the law firm are friends Larry David made at college.
I made no friends or even close acquaintances during my eighteen months at college.