Five times have I seen the river draw back from the village and make new land at the foot of the street.
Promise me that, as a memorial to me, you going to make a little fire at the foot of my grave.
He asked me to breathe deeply a couple of times, then made some notes on the chart at the foot of my bed.
We had returned across the plateau with our allies two days after the battle, and made our camp at the foot of their cliffs.
We made camp at the foot of the mountain.
They made their camp at the foot of an ancient koa that fronted a small clearing.
In an effort to get some control over the situation, Blade said, "I suggest you make your camp at the foot of the hill.
They made camp by the well at the foot of Wyrral Tor.
There was a plea in his voice that made Cole's wife turn at the foot of the stairs.
However, searching was made difficult by the lack of any radio connection at the foot of the hill.