A recent sampling of 15 establishments revealed that it takes more than good equipment and high-quality beans to make a well-balanced espresso or cappuccino.
MOST people use their espresso machines for an express purpose - to make espresso and cappuccino.
My friend who worked at a popular fashion magazine last year spent her three months walking the editor's dog, cleaning the editorial assistants' desks and making cappuccino.
Every morning, her father, an oncologist, makes cappuccino, and the family gathers around the breakfast table and reads the day's news, including Ms. Ansanelli's press.
A year ago, he put out machines that make cappuccino and espresso, and they have doubled his coffee sales.
One of those neat, shiny gadgets that make both espresso and cappuccino.
Not only did it make espresso and cappuccino, but it also ground coffee beans.
Mr. Howell also offers free full-day seminars in which customers can learn how to make espresso or cappuccino.
He said he had installed machines that made cappuccino from freshly ground beans in his smaller hotels so that guests could serve themselves at any time.
Rigoletto Espresso next door makes terrific cappuccino.