And now, while plum tomatoes are as good as they get, is the time to make chili with all fresh ingredients.
(Earlier in the day, upon learning of her visit, the President announces to everyone that he will make chili for them all.)
None of this has ever stopped people who cannot shop in Texas from making chili.
"Will you teach me how to make chili?"
He returns home and makes chili as he was doing the day Betty first came into his shack.
She added that ground moose made excellent spaghetti sauce and chili.
He was an actor who made great chili and turned it into an empire.
"She said she'd make chili if we took her with us," Fox pointed out.
He paced back and forth in the kitchen, where Tess was trying to keep busy by making chili.
So when making chili, she uses a 28-ounce can of crushed tomatoes.