That could displace farm workers, who might turn to illegal drug crops, like coca, the leaf used to make cocaine.
Fields of brown, withering coca bushes, whose leaves are used to make cocaine, remain in their wake.
To make cocaine, the coca paste is heated with ether and other substances to remove its impurities.
But the Federal Government has taken steps to limit exports by American companies of chemicals needed for making cocaine.
In most countries, it is illegal to make, sell, and use cocaine (unless it is being used for approved medical reasons).
Besides the coca leaves themselves, the criminal needs only a modest variety of cheap chemicals to make pure cocaine.
The episode opens with three drug dealers making cocaine in a drug laboratory.
Three years ago, Paraguay discovered a 23-ton shipment of dangerous chemicals used to make cocaine but did not know how to dispose of them.
Rapid absorption through nasal tissues makes snorting cocaine nearly as fast-acting.
Colombia is the world's largest cultivator of coca, which is used to make cocaine.