Such issues make collaboration not only more difficult but also more compelling, Mr. Gallagher said.
As discussed above, the Attorney General has made increased collaboration and partnership throughout the public and private sector a high priority.
Bad blood and distrust ran deep on both sides of the border, making collaboration on many issues difficult if not impossible.
Different regions, countries, and even instrument manufacturers preferred different standards, making orchestral collaboration a challenge.
Each breakout room is equipped with presentation equipment, mobile tables and chairs to make collaboration quick and easy.
High levels of transparency throughout the building's interior will make ongoing research visible, encouraging connections and collaboration among researchers.
Later historical developments "were greatly facilitated by his original reorganization because it made possible collaboration among tribes" not likely to otherwise coalesce.
That often made collaboration with Mr. Barney a disorienting experience.
The industry's high expenses have made collaboration increasingly common.
The school embraces diversity in its fullest extent and pledges to make international collaboration with other universities worldwide a priority.