The subject was made comprehensible to the public when the media coined the term "learning-pill" describing the effect of the discovery.
Can the theory of evolution be made comprehensible to second graders?
In the first generation of this project the user specifies spatial queries using system implementation concepts which are made comprehensible (and refined through testing).
He makes comprehensible the glories of the music, but without damaging the integrity of the mystery of its creation.
But just because the Great Communicator was an oversimplifier did not mean that ideas could not be made comprehensible or be simply stated.
To organize the work, he has made use of the phenomenology of E. Husserl as a theoretical framework to make comprehensible what they taught him.
The most weird and barbarous things are made human and comprehensible.
The authors make comprehensible even to the nonspecialist such technical concepts as space-based defense, layered defenses, kinetic energy weapons and directed energy weapons.
If these contradictions are made clearer and more readily comprehensible for the citizen's benefit, a new and real European debate will be the result.
Together they make more comprehensible why some people fling themselves into the jaws of death.