Nick made a noise deep in his throat, setting his perfect pentagram aside and starting on the next.
He made a noise deep in his throat, a sound of appreciation so basic it sent goose bumps skittering over her skin.
Once, a sudden moving shape deep in the woods made his heart jump before his mind registered that the shape was merely a deer.
Worf made a noise deep in his throat and followed.
The depth penetration of ultrasound is limited, making it difficult to image structures deep in the body, especially in obese patients.
Low frequency radios can communicate through thousands of feet of solid rock, making them ideal for use deep into caves.
Her tongue is thick, and a pain deep in her throat makes it hard to speak.
He glanced at me, and made a noise deep in his throat.
Bill made a noise deep in his chest and convulsed inside me.
Pixel lowered his ears, made a noise deep in his throat, and crept closer.