It could also be stopped at any point to make insertions or deletions.
And while those regulations are being reviewed, cable operators will be prohibited from making any changes or deletions.
To make room for 100,000 new words, Gove now made sweeping deletions, dropping 250,000 entries.
"Throughout the year I'm making additions and deletions to my database."
Then, picking up a pencil from the desk, he began to make corrections, additions, and deletions.
Knowledgeable and interested readers are welcome to make changes, improvements, deletions or references as you see fit.
"Read this over and make any corrections, additions or deletions you feel necessary."
I can show you exactly where they made deletions and alterations-not just in their own notes, but in ours.
Judge Mukasey allowed both sides to make deletions before the briefs were released.
Congress made some alterations and deletions to it on July 2, 3, and the morning of the 4th.