But it is not easy to change a tradition of 50 years overnight or to make democracy in a country.
But on the question of how to make democracy we have a very long way to go.
"Let's improve our way of doing by making full democracy," the song continues.
Says they have to be eliminated before we can make democracy really work.
If this is correct, it gives a very different emphasis to political pluralism, one that makes democracy through the ballot box of much less importance.
Three principles have made possible this new world: liberal democracy, scientific experiment, and industrialism.
Mr. Bush's vision makes democracy domestic only, while international relations are to be secret and thus not subject to democratic revelation.
This could cause a revolution because suddenly it was clear that making democracy inside a property was making owners rich and people happy.
However, the old Lomé Convention made democracy, human rights and the rule of law a requirement for development aid.
In other words: a person' s virtue makes democracy possible; on the other hand, his vices make it necessary.