The company, which makes compact discs, wants to start making cassettes.
Their oldest set is made of 14th-century Yuan dynasty ceramic discs with the piece names written in calligraphy on the top.
However often the topic shifted in a 75-minute discussion, the talk invariably came back to making discs.
Panart also made custom recordings, and pressed and sold discs.
Afterwards, he made discs for Columbia Records (including by the electrical recording process).
The Kantorei has made numerous compact discs, which are available through the seminary's bookstore.
I'm going to be making video discs later on, but we're starting with audio tapes now-can you do it?
I hope they continue making discs and touring.
"We want to show Hollywood we can make read-only discs," he said.
It also makes Whiffle golf balls and flying discs.