Chang, who made some marvelous retrieves during the match, looked in control early.
These are the possible mistakes a player might make during the match.
She later would recognize that she lost due to mistakes she made during the match.
Davis missed a crucial brown in the final frame, having made a break of 107 during the match.
A maximum of seven substitutions may be made during the match.
Hayes made comebacks during the match but Assassin dominated him.
By making all the correct decisions during the match she made these 2 blokes look stupid.
Bret Hart made a run-in during the match, however, and interfered by attacking the referee.
He made his debut in the competition during the last match of the group stage against Germany, coming off the bench for the final minutes.
I always should that Erikson's England played in the right style, but the problem was this decision making during the match.