While today's decision may ease some of the union's concerns, it may make private employers less enthusiastic about hiring welfare recipients.
This sort of thing makes employers most suspicious.
"You don't want to make employers in Connecticut non-competitive because the burden is too onerous, and you don't want to compromise your health standards," he said.
But under his bill, the enforcement power of the Federal Government would be available if needed to make consumers and employers pay for coverage.
The Employer's Liability (Defective Equipment) Act 1969 made employers automatically liable for equipment with defects supplied by third parties.
Layoffs caused by the economic downturn are likely to make employers even more vulnerable to lawsuits.
They say radical changes could bankrupt the Government, and they fear that making employers - the most obvious source of financing - pay for health insurance will hurt small business.
"We could keep 'private property', but make employers re- spect the 'rights' of their employees," Tori ventured in reply.
Goodey making a change for the benefit of the scheme members paying into a scheme, rather than employers going away in a contribution holiday.
We need to create incentives to make employers prepared to do more in this area.