Here, in scenes that have been made familiar by television programs on black culture, congregants dress up and act out.
In an interactive learning based environment students are made familiar with the software, step by step from basic to complex level.
But a partial text was made available by someone familiar with the negotiations.
Made familiar by the television series, the term has since appeared in other contexts, such as:
It is the kind of program the company from Akron has made familiar in recent seasons.
The others were new and, as such, victim to the images of their kind made familiar by modern entertainment.
The view from space has made familiar the image of the world; but within living memory, its surface was still imperfectly known.
These boys, even at a tender age, are necessarily made familiar with the darker side of metropolitan life.
He had a strong accent made all too familiar by newscasts of the previous two years.
State Department officials were also made familiar with its contents.