Reid and his defensive coordinator, Jim Johnson, had a week off to make fixes.
Others tried to make cosmetic fixes and sell the house.
More recently, the Clinton Administration has offered $10 million in aid to make "quick fixes" in controls at nuclear sites.
Using this method the developer can make rapid fixes or game changes such as the addition of auction houses to the game.
Finally, the staff makes fixes to each design to make the ones that would appear in the game.
Germ line genetic engineering, as it is called, would make permanent fixes to be passed from one generation to another.
As in the gasoline case, the appeals panel successfully called on the United States to make modest administrative fixes.
We can and do make fixes for later editions or for the Web, but the first time is often the most important.
While the state made fixes and raised spending, the overhaul - essentially a reduction of the schools' dependence on local revenue - never occurred.
Home Improvement: After you're done painting, learn how you can make other fixes in all parts of your home.