Matter of fact,' she said grabbing Terry under the table by the knee, 'I nearly made a play for your husband over the main course.
And you saw how I made excuses for my husband.
That year I made fruitcake for my husband because he loves it so much.
I made this video for my husband, he got to have the dream that him and his dad shared to own the Mustang of t..
Laura, knowing how much this vehicle meant to Bernard, had a miniature of it made for her husband, which he kept in his office.
"Then a bride made ready for her husband."
One who had enjoyed her children, making a home for them and her husband.
Listen," she went on, "if you spend all day making dinner for your husband, he can't possibly appreciate it enough.
When later asked about the plaque, she would say that Lennon had it made for her husband, and not her.
"I won't have you making trouble for my husband," she stated harshly.