Mr. Bush made a strong case for comprehensive reform on Monday.
The resolution also criticized the current health-care system and made a fervent appeal for "sweeping reform."
Once more, the rationale is that justice for their crimes must be sacrificed to make way for reform.
In its report, the grand jury made several recommendations for reform, a number of which unfortunately have not been acted upon.
The country's two leading judges have made unprecedented calls for sweeping political reform, including an end to the ban on teaching the Kurdish language.
However, Follett made various recommendations for reform, most of which were accepted by the funding bodies.
But the claims made for reform are more modest than previously.
This will make the environment easier for reform.
He made a powerful case for reform, but was careful to distance himself from the idea of simple amnesty.
The new leadership at the physicians' group made strong statements of new-found fervor for reform.