We realize that there are misgivings about making concessions for trade.
Her parents and village neighbors had made this journey many times for trade and to join in the dancing but Sheeana had only accompanied them twice.
The family is among thousands of Beninese traders who have made this tiny and desperately poor nation probably West Africa's leading conduit for illicit trade.
Karnataka is well connected to all major ports around the world, making this state a suitable place not only for the cultivation of agriculture but also for trade.
In the noodle kitchen, 500 pounds a day are made for wholesale trade.
The purpose was to try to make direct contact with the Cherokee for trade, so as to bypass the Ocaneechee "middlemen" traders.
I will give you all the guns you like, far handsomer than this one, which is a cheap thing only made for trade.
After Confederation, boosters of Halifax expected federal help to make the city's natural harbor Canada's official winter port and a gateway for trade with Europe.
Pottery making became an art form for individuals who specialized in distinctive styles made for trade.
I make whisky only for my family's use, and a few barrels beyond that, now and then, for local trade.