The band made a name for itself in various clubs in Greenwich Village.
I used to make my living in clubs, so I had ample opportunity to watch a lot of 'tomcats' hit on the ladies.
Pasha made his biggest deals in clubs and bars.
South surrendered a club and had no trouble making 12 tricks, thanks to the favorable positions in spades, diamonds and clubs.
Percival then begins to make records and tour in clubs throughout America and becomes famous.
Sanders then made the winning guess in clubs, since East was almost sure to have the club ace to justify his two-heart bid.
He made his debut playing in small clubs in his hometown and was presented to various audiences, without success.
Playing diamonds before making a final commitment in clubs is a "discovery" play, an important technique that is often overlooked.
East had made a weak jump overcall in clubs, and was likely to be short in diamonds.
But popular dance finds its way into theaters long after it has made its name in clubs, videos and movies.