Each case is taken seriously, even if made in documents decorated with Jolly Rogers.
The ministry of the Jesuits falls into four major categories, suggested by the Formula and made explicit in other documents.
The objections to the regulations by the tobacco industry and its allies have already been exhaustively made in documents submitted as comments to the proposed rule.
Gabriel spent part of the day with the forger, making certain changes in documents he had taken from Stanhope's safe along with the money.
The manner of spelling was complicated by the fact that Leavitt apparently was not literate, and simply made his mark in early documents.
Later, it was used to make abbreviations in medieval Latin documents.
Though it is not precisely known when this Chapel of St Nicholas was erected, references made in old documents relate to the year 1504.
Reference has already been made, in this House's debates and documents, to the link between poverty and gender inequality.
As part of their engagement the lawyers will prepare detailed verification notes to support and provide evidence for the information and statements made in public documents.
The software also allows changes made in documents off line to be updated on the original automatically the next time a connection is made.