If we continue to do that, we will never make any changes in services.
Power resides in individuals, who should be free to make their own choices in public services such as health and education.
We made many improvements in both programs and services offered.
And all had to make severe cuts in public services.
"In the data center business, you have to make investments in technology, expertise and services," she said.
It has made more than 20 acquisitions over the last 15 years, in mortgage banking, real estate and other financial services.
They offer reassurance to citizens who are being asked to make daily sacrifices in lost services.
Many have small children for whom they seek a good school system and most made their money in financial services, technology or entertainment.
"Real estate money in the 1990's is going to be made in services," he said.
Progress has been made in energy, financial services, the Single Sky and research.