He made his professional debuts in 2002-03, in the second level, aged 26.
The maestro made an incredible difference in the level of musicianship in the Symphony, and he was wonderfully supportive to the community as well.
In 2005-06, both Naval and the player made their debuts in the top level.
Beamers' slight noise did not carry far, and two extra slug throwers could not make that much difference in the sound level.
Lucas made his first appearance in the second level on 17 August 2012, playing six minutes in a 1-2 away loss against Villarreal CF.
In 2007-08 he made his debuts in the second level, being relegated with C.D. Fátima.
We never tried putting enough police on foot patrol in the ghettos to make a real dent in the disastrous level of crime there.
Finally, Mirandés made their debut in the second level.
The Road Runner makes a cameo appearance in the training level and also the final level, racing in the desert against Ralph.
Colossus is a huge towering enemy five floors tall that makes his first appearance in the final level of Sector 02 Base.