On his return to England in 1661 he was made keeper of the privy purse, and became the prime favourite.
During his time there he was made assistant keeper of the natural history department and became an expert on crustaceans and molluscs.
In 1625 he was made keeper of the records in Birmingham Tower.
In another episode, Opie joins a secret club and is made keeper of the club's special candle.
In 1544 John Daborne was made keeper of the castle garden.
Joe and Louise had nine children, and when Joe passed away in 1945, their son Leonard was made keeper.
On 26 May 1324 he was made keeper of the rolls in the place of his brother William.
He was temporarily made keeper of the new Great Seal (14 May).
He was made constable of Dudley Castle and keeper of the old and new parks there in 1553.