Cyrix makes microprocessors, which put National in direct competition with the Intel Corporation.
Cyrix, which makes microprocessors, is unlikely to make the Webpad itself.
It had lived in Intel's shadow throughout the 1980's and 1990's while making compatible microprocessors, the chips that are the brains of personal computers.
The company makes microprocessors for use in computer servers, cable modems, networking equipment and television set-top boxes.
The current technology used to make microprocessors will begin to reach its limit around 2005.
In theory, it is possible to make microprocessors and other integrated circuits from the exploding silicon.
He then led a Silicon Valley startup making microprocessors to reduce retail energy usage.
Other producers also made microprocessors which were widely used in microcomputers.
I.B.M. makes microprocessors for its own big computers, but that work does not fill the new operation.
On Wednesday, the company, which makes microprocessors for computers, forecast industry sales of personal computers at 100 million a year as early as 1998.