Took an upward path from just below the sternum and made mush out of the left ventricle.
The Havasupai parch and grind the seeds and use them to make mush and soup.
We put the dried porro grains into water to soak, just like making mush, stir them around.
This time we have cut the tops off the grass that women make mush from.
Some took aim at the news media, which critics argued made mush out of the intelligence coming out of the war on terror.
The suit's impact made mush of them.
Its watching comrade continued to cheer, thinking that it was making mush of the human.
Because I'd hate to waste a perfectly good bullet making mush of your brain.
Vic stubbed out his smoke and watched Rose make mush of her pie.
The first brief thaw made mush out of the snow on the drill fields; the ground below was still frozen.