The depression moved northward before turning to the northeast, and on June 26 the poorly-organized system made landfall just north of Tampa, Florida.
Assuming no later deviations or corrections, its course would have made landfall some days ago, north of here, smack dab in the Rimmers.
First contact with Allied troops was made north of Vevi at 11:00 on 10 April.
The lieutenant pulled up his mount for a moment and yelled, "From here on, make straight north.
Will he ensure that sufficient facilities are made available north of Manchester and Liverpool to allow people and freight to be carried on the trains?
As they neared the east rim, Fafhrd said, "I see other prints making north - a spear's cast that way.
On November 2, 2009 a birder sighted three individuals; the same day another sighting was made north of the Lacepede Islands.
The cyclone rapidly weakened before it made landfall just north of Mazatlán, Sinaloa, on October 9.
Leib-stand arte will make straight north.
In fall 1903, the flood of miners leaving the Tanana Valley ended when major gold strikes were made north of Fairbanks.