Structures created for others purposes that have been made notable by their age, size or historic significance may also be regarded as monuments.
While the pair did not get much recognition in the first season, they made more notable, speaking appearances starting in season two.
The town was made notable when an 11-year-old named Brian Zimmerman won an unofficial election for mayor in 1983.
Bolton records songs originally made notable by Frank Sinatra.
The album was a compilation of himself singing songs originally made notable by Frank Sinatra, who had recently died.
German culture (or concepts that were first made notable in a German context)
The park is made notable by the presence of three antique gas streetlights.
Bonilla, meanwhile, spent the night enduring a night made most notable by the ferocity of the booing he received.
Penny's first visit to the surgery was made notable by the attractiveness of her mistress.
It was a bright, perfect Florida morning made notable by that dazzling white spacecraft poised at the edge of the Atlantic.