Even at my college's 25th reunion, no one made notice of our unique place in history as "War Babies."
Even with a carry permit, carrying a concealed firearm is not allowed in any church that notifies the State of Utah and makes public notice.
A church must, by state law, make annual notice of this intent to prohibit firearms from their "houses of worship".
Once you make public notice of your departure from the Catholic Church, you have resigned.
On March 19, 2013, Usher made initial notice of his eighth studio album being in the works.
To make notice of these new capabilities, much use was made of elongated shadows.
The FCC made notice about the complaints received in the weeks after the incident.
He had made only casual notice of it until he had seen the blue-uniformed soldiers emerge.
Two miserable defeats in the finals have made clear notice that is necessary for Vukovi to have a head coach next season.