They were virtuous young men, and lost no opportunity that fell in their way to make their livelihood.
Joe's father and mother were the only people to meet it except those whose livelihood it made.
Consequently, almost the entire local population depends on agriculture with approximately 15000 making their livelihood directly from it.
Most residents make their livelihood from fishing; a few of them also work in Middle Eastern countries.
For those of us who don't make our livelihood fighting this fight, though, we need more effective ways to use the little free time we have.
Though she was trained as an architect, she has made her livelihood in other ways.
Many of these men had lived in the jungle and had made their livelihood with hunting wild cattle.
Bruce Brown makes his livelihood hectoring the software industry to shape up and then honoring the companies that do.
But people who make their daily livelihood off the passengers say the passengers are not there either.
Most of this life is invisible, but minute creatures are there at work making their livelihood.