Why do these Germans insist on making their hot planet so much hotter?
And she gets up and rails about independence and how they need to make their planet pure from dirty outside influence.
Make an analogy between the duck pond and our planet and you can see why we human beings are different, Fergus.
These folks are really making our incredible planet accessible to all of us.
In "Simearth," the player is God making His own planet.
Whether or not the Eich could make their planet inertialess has never been found out Free or inert, the end would have been the same.
Besides, he was intelligent and good-looking and they were bound along a stately street, downhill toward a bay whose minute planet life made the water shine iridescent.
Krypton was redesigned again in Birthright, portrayed as a society that used its advanced science and technology to make its planet into a paradise.
You made this your planet, fine.
What did they care for the Arkonides, Springers and other races who had made their planet into an outpost of the legendary Imperium?