They also became very popular in the 1990s as grunge fashion made its rise to fame.
She stared up at him: and what she saw in his eyes made her rise to her feet.
It was a call of nature that finally made her rise from the rocker and stretch.
Only a baby - someone who truly needed her care - could have made her rise to the occasion.
"In the years to come, I can always say I was there when this team started to make its rise to the top."
Bill Clinton will have the power to shore up substantially the system that made his own rise to the Presidency possible.
He put his hand under Thérèse's chin and made her rise.
The fact that she was entirely nude wasn't what made Victoria's neck-hair rise.
He remembered their night together and tried once again to understand what had made her rise from the bed in the middle of the night.
The appointment made possible the family's rise to prominence.