What a blessed thing it is to make sick people happy in their beds, and never mind one's self as long as one can do a service!
This makes his earlier self seem of another era.
This kind of thinking, he found, is not the way to make one's self popular with other birds.
He sat down in his chair, trying not to make her more self -conscious than she already was, but he was too worried to start eating.
A swim in the cool bright sea braced my nerves and made me my old self again.
He could go and make more his self if he would get off his butt and do it.
This new insight makes his old, regretful self "die."
Chapter 4 Egotism is making one's self the measure of value.
Other people have already made your self.
Baby's daddy takes too much beer and gin, and that makes him somebody else, and not his own self at all.