You're not one of them, so make your own status.
The recent news coverage about the church's efforts to fight human rights violations in Germany does not make newsworthy its three-year-old tax-exempt status.
It was these flashes of the old Gorbachev that made his reduced status almost poignant at times.
This is used to make their status as a nightclub more "exclusive".
He said I might try making Hallie's status known to the general public in the United States.
"I felt I had more of a public responsibility to make my status known."
That makes my status, in this society, much higher than if I had married any of the potential men around my farm.
There was nothing disrespectful about it, but it was always best to make one's status clear from the outset.
More important, what could there be about this odd creature to make her worthy of major character status?
By making their status as speech acts clear, these statements are both more direct and more impolite.