Nurses work with doctors and other health care workers to make patients well (not sick) and to keep them healthy.
And anxiety can make patients restless and short of breath.
But on Friday, several clinics changed their minds and said that free consultations, at least, would be made available to worried patients.
My mother's generation, for the most part, make good patients.
Efforts to make sure patients complete their treatment reach less than a third of TB victims.
The researchers do not know what component of the phone therapy made it effective or whether the increased attention itself made patients feel better.
Your men are making the nurses and patients a little nervous.
This and other drugs, like clomipramine, often make patients more aware of their behavior, the first step toward changing it.
Or are you one of those doctors who make horrible patients?
Advocates of the ban hope to reduce that number by making doctors and patients think about the consequences.