It was made all the more poignant by our learning that his brother had just been shot dead by a criminal gang in Johannesburg.
They are memories made more poignant by the disappointments that followed as I watched the projects evolve from 1961 to 1981.
There was silence between them then as they remembered the dead in sorrow, made more poignant by its utter helplessness.
The son's protectiveness and pain are made more poignant by the predictable words of his visitor.
But the beauty was lost on those in attendance, or made more poignant by the knowledge that soon it would be gone forever.
These words are made more poignant by the fact that Tennant's mother died last summer, from cancer.
Then there was the music, made all the more poignant for the casual way in which it was presented.
His writings were sharpened and made more poignant by his troubles.
Duncan had taught her many things, bizarre little tricks of arousal, made more poignant by being forbidden and wicked.
Rather it was made more poignant, and the natural reaction of defence more compelling.