He makes regular public radio and television appearances on related subjects.
He has also made frequent radio and television appearances.
Whether all of these elements can be brought together to make great radio remains an open question.
She has also made television, radio, and speaking appearances.
But there's a good chance that the change will at least begin to make American radio more lively, interesting and diverse.
On 15 October 2005, there was a mass protest outside the hospital, which made television news, both local and national newspapers and radio.
Unfortunately, politics has gone the way of entertainment, while the real issues are not discussed because they are boring or don't make good radio.
His hobbies include reading and writing, playing basketball, making radio, and growing flowers.
Started in 1928 as a maker of car radios, the company made mostly radio and television receivers until the 1960's.
Andrew Keister has done wonders in making standard radio sound effects seem like part of a natural reality.