The subsequent Panic of 1819 made raising additional funds difficult, and without the means to continue construction the company folded.
He also made raising test scores and curriculum standards his priorities.
Also, with both partners working (in most cases), leaves less "family time" which makes raising children difficult.
Mr. Wen mentioned all of those problems in his address and said the government must make raising rural living standards a top priority.
In 1993, Mr. Clinton made raising immunization rates a priority.
But the state Constitution made raising income taxes almost impossible; Clinton would have to use a regressive sales tax to finance school improvement.
Several episodes require "Vincent's mother" to apologize, the first time for mistakes she made raising him.
So far, Mr. Kennedy has given no public indication of whether he will make raising the minimum wage a priority.
Providing free services make raising funds to fulfill the organization's mission essential and difficult with recent economic downturn.
Tax collection became impossible which in turn made raising a substantial army to deal with the revolution nearly impossible, forcing the royal council to compromise.