Three Lithuanian entrepreneurs have created a new national fragrance in an attempt to make "scents" of what they say is a misunderstood country.
The chemicals are frequently used as components of fragrances (to make scents last longer).
I Map This artisan has been making exquisite original scents and candles for decades.
And synthetics make gorgeous, innovative, surprising scents.
Harb had spent half his leave in that forest when they made planetfall there some months before, recording sounds and scents and textures with great care.
Phthalates are often used to make scents and colors last longer.
There will also be a demonstration of using herb leaves in cooking and for making scents.
Gandhayukti gave recipes for making scents.
It gives a list of eight aromatic ingredients used for making scents.
With one to match every mood, you know it makes scents!