Sales of equipment used in making semiconductors rose 33 percent, to 157.18 billion yen.
Many people thought the brothers were crazy to try to make semiconductors in Idaho.
The new company will make system chips, general semiconductors and some devices.
The company, which is based in South Korea, makes semiconductors, mobile phones and other products.
Yet another approach is to invest in companies that make the equipment used to make semiconductors.
Since then, it has become a small military contractor making semiconductors that are supposed to withstand harsh environments.
Other companies that make such semiconductors now trade at an average of 16 times expected earnings for this year.
Stocks of companies that make semiconductors and semiconductor equipment were hammered yesterday.
A few years later, the company gave up making semiconductors and focused instead on making software that could be used with other companies' chips.
He quit his job and founded Transmeta, which has a radical new approach to making semiconductors.