Making only a few hundred meters a day, Litke reached the settlement on August 28.
Mac and I were their lifeline, if we lost contact they wouldn't make twenty meters safely across the broken surface.
They made 300 meters at a time.
The total area of the shop makes 3574 square meters.
But he miscalculated the launch and made 97.5 meters, the shortest jump of the 64 competitors in the field.
There was a two-meter space between wingtip and wall, making twenty-five meters in all.
The next step had been to make another drill hole one hundred meters to the east.
Two of the gaming tables had been pushed aside to make for an open space perhaps ten meters in diameter.
The towers are made from tubes of lightweight fabric 1.4 meters in diameter.
We closed in fast, making twenty-five meters before the first movement was made by the enemy.