The temperature of the water was apparently zero degrees Celsius at the time with high winds making survival even harder.
What had he started out wanting, before the twisting events had made sheer survival his paramount concern?
He preferred a future which made survival possible but not easy.
After a set amount of time, the walls begin to close in, making survival more difficult and forcing players closer together.
We believe that this will make both survival and winning far more likely.
The long-term evolution of these species has involved selection for social behaviors that make individual or group survival more likely.
Any action its executives take that makes survival even a tiny bit less likely - like giving up something for nothing - is not good but bad.
It was not )i simple idea, it was an important invention that made work easier survival more probable.
Farmers here practice mostly rain-fed agriculture with few tools and no machinery, making survival precarious even in so-called normal times.
All these conditions make survival for living things difficult in the extreme.