Replica home and away kits are usually made available for sale to fans.
The announcement was made to fans during the half-hour "pregame show" prior to the pay-per-view being broadcast.
It was made available for download on Good's site as a Christmas gift to fans in 2006.
West quickly admitted his mistake and made an apology to fans on his official blog.
He made a plea to fans to continue to always support live music.
Online referred to the film as a "surreal mess" that would only make sense to fans of the original series.
Cox also cited a $10,000 league fine against him for his having made an indecent gesture to fans before a game in Buffalo.
The result of this mix is music that makes surprising sense to fans of electronic music and experimental rock.
On January 12, 2008, Youngkyung decided to leave the group, making a diary announcement to fans.
ArtistShare has been well known for their "fan funded" projects which expose the creative process of music making to fans.