There were provisions for making a termination payment to officers who were mustered out, but salaries would no longer be paid.
Through bribes made to officers on the Hot Springs Police Department, he gave himself the security of not having to worry with local law enforcement.
In September, the first round of scathing anonymous E-mail began making the rounds to the charity's board and top officers.
The long registration statement released today also details payments Genentech might make to certain employees and officers.
The issue of lack of reinforcements was well-known within the Army and Smythe did not make any complaints to senior officers while in active service.
He sponsored a law that made benefits to permanently injured police officers on par with payments to officers killed in the line of duty.
"For example: Was the full board aware that the wholly owned subsidiary made an extraordinary payment to officers of the parent and subsidiary?"
Even the experienced men were making adjustments to their new boat and officers.
From 1970 to 1975 the award was made to officers only, the equivalent award for other ranks being the Jack Hindon medal.
Under the plan, Conseco guaranteed loans made to officers and directors for the purchase of company stock.