Second, in your comments you make reference to your current position of working in "a bank at the heart of the trading areas".
Aleksi parted from the wounded soldiers at the river and, alone, he made his way back to Tess's position.
The aim of the game is for all of a player's pieces to make one full circuit of the board and return to their starting position.
Using this technique, he slowly made his way forward to the prince's position.
This new understanding didn't make any difference to his position, though.
Reference can be made to the Earth's position with respect to specific structures, which exist at various scales.
The calculations were made without respect to the player's position or degree of participation in the game.
There were really only two samples that made any difference to their position on the planet.
In its 1910 Christmas message, the First Presidency made reference to the church's position on science:
The same magic command would make the bridge return to its former position.